Under the Knife is a case featured in Criminal Case, appearing as the tenth case of the game as well as the city of Grimsborough. It takes place in the Industrial Area, a district based in Grimsborough.
The police found a plastic surgeon named Alan Cardwell left for dead in an alley. The killer was eventually incriminated to be Paul Oaster, a writer.
Paul fell in love with a singer named Samantha Warner and would do anything to protect her. Paul could not bear it when it came to his attention that Alan had an affair with Samantha – though the surgeon was already married. In retaliation the writer cornered Alan in Alberta Alley, before stabbing him with a candlestick and fleeing the scene.
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Under the Knife
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Case-Icon General Case Transcription-Icon Transcript
Under the Knife
Season 1
City Grimsborough
District Industrial Area
Case # 10
Release date 15th November 2012 (game's launch)
Partner(s) David Jones
Preceded by Succeeded by
Burned to the Bone Into the Vipers' Nest
Under the Knife is a case featured in Criminal Case, appearing as the tenth case of the game as well as the city of Grimsborough. It takes place in the Industrial Area, a district based in Grimsborough.
The police found a plastic surgeon named Alan Cardwell left for dead in an alley. The killer was eventually incriminated to be Paul Oaster, a writer.
Paul fell in love with a singer named Samantha Warner and would do anything to protect her. Paul could not bear it when it came to his attention that Alan had an affair with Samantha – though the surgeon was already married. In retaliation the writer cornered Alan in Alberta Alley, before stabbing him with a candlestick and fleeing the scene.
Alan Cardwell (stabbed in the stomach and left to die in an alley)
Murder Weapon
Paul Oaster
Case 10 Suspect 1 (Sarah Cardwell)
Sarah Cardwell
Joshua Kempe
Curtis Newman
Samantha Warner
Case 10 Suspect 5 (Paul Oaster)
Paul Oaster
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Killer's Profile
The killer wears glasses.
The killer drinks coffee.
The killer plays golf.
The killer is right-handed.
The killer is a man.
The police found a plastic surgeon named Alan Cardwell left for dead in an alley. The killer was eventually incriminated to be Paul Oaster, a writer.
Paul fell in love with a singer named Samantha Warner and would do anything to protect her. Paul could not bear it when it came to his attention that Alan had an affair with Samantha – though the surgeon was already married. In retaliation the writer cornered Alan in Alberta Alley, before stabbing him with a candlestick and fleeing the scene.

VICTIM: Alan Cardwell (found dead in Alberta Alley)
WEAPON: Candlestick
KILLER: Paul Oaster
SUSPECTS: Sarah Cardwell, Joshua Kempe, Curtis Newman, Samantha Warner and Paul Oaster
WEAPON: Candlestick
KILLER: Paul Oaster
SUSPECTS: Sarah Cardwell, Joshua Kempe, Curtis Newman, Samantha Warner and Paul Oaster

1. Sarah Cardwell
2. Joshua Kempe
3. Curtis Newman
4. Samantha Warner
5. Paul Oaster

1. Backstreet
1. Backstreet

2. Garbage Bin

3. Barber Shop

4. Barber's Seat

5. Pew

6. Altar

Killer's Profile
- The killer wears glasses.
- The killer drinks coffee.
- The killer plays golf.
- The killer is right-handed.
- The killer is a man.
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Under the Knife
858pages on
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View source Comments41
Case-Icon General Case Transcription-Icon Transcript
Under the Knife
Season 1
City Grimsborough
District Industrial Area
Case # 10
Release date 15th November 2012 (game's launch)
Partner(s) David Jones
Preceded by Succeeded by
Burned to the Bone Into the Vipers' Nest
Under the Knife is a case featured in Criminal Case, appearing as the tenth case of the game as well as the city of Grimsborough. It takes place in the Industrial Area, a district based in Grimsborough.
The police found a plastic surgeon named Alan Cardwell left for dead in an alley. The killer was eventually incriminated to be Paul Oaster, a writer.
Paul fell in love with a singer named Samantha Warner and would do anything to protect her. Paul could not bear it when it came to his attention that Alan had an affair with Samantha – though the surgeon was already married. In retaliation the writer cornered Alan in Alberta Alley, before stabbing him with a candlestick and fleeing the scene.
Alan Cardwell (stabbed in the stomach and left to die in an alley)
Murder Weapon
Paul Oaster
Case 10 Suspect 1 (Sarah Cardwell)
Sarah Cardwell
Joshua Kempe
Curtis Newman
Samantha Warner
Case 10 Suspect 5 (Paul Oaster)
Paul Oaster
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Killer's Profile
The killer wears glasses.
The killer drinks coffee.
The killer plays golf.
The killer is right-handed.
The killer is a man.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Additional Investigation
Chapter 1
- Investigate Backstreet. (Clues: Victim's Body, Passport, Wallet Contents)
- Autopsy Victim's Body. (18:00:00)
- Examine Torn Paper. (Result: Photograph)
- Examine Photograph. (Result: Substance)
- Analyze Substance. (03:00:00)
- Talk to the singer from the photo found in the victim's's throat.
- Examine Wallet Contents. (Result: Business Card)
- Investigate Barber Shop. (Clue: Trashcan)
- Examine Trash Can. (Result: Barber's Schedule)
- Question Joshua Kempe about the victim who was his client.
- Question Curtis Newman about his heated argument with the victim.
- Analyze Passport. (00:30:00)
- Go speak to the victim's wife Sarah Cardwell.
- Examine Anonymous Paper. (Result: Unknown Substance)
- Analyze Unknown Substance. (03:00:00)
- Go to Chapter 2. (2 stars)
Chapter 2
- Investigate Garbage Bin. (Clue: Broken Tip)
- Analyze Broken Tip. (06:00:00)
- Samantha Warner said Paul Oaster was the only one capable of killing for her.
- Question Samantha Warner about her affair with the victim.
- Talk to Curtis about his affair with Samantha Warner.
- Investigate Pew. (Clue: Candlestick)
- Analyze Candlestick. (03:00:00)
- Investigate Barber's Seat. (Clue: Briefcase)
- Examine Briefcase. (Result: Leaflet)
- Analyze Leaflet. (03:00:00)
- Go talk to Sarah about her murdered husband's life insurance.
- Go to Chapter 3. (2 stars)
Chapter 3
- Question Joshua about loitering near the crime scene.
- Talk to Samantha Warner about living near the crime scene.
- Investigate Altar. (Clue: Camera)
- Analyze Camera. (06:00:00)
- Question Paul Oaster about the night of the murder.
- Take care of the killer now!
- Go to Additional Investigation. (2 stars)
Additional Investigation
- See how Samantha Warner is doing.
- Investigate pew. (Clue: Broken Rosary)
- Examine Broken Rosary. (Result: Rosary)
- Give her Rosary back to Samantha. (Reward: 50 XP)
- See what the problem is with Joshua Kempe.
- Investigate Barber Shop. (Clue: Hair Pile)
- Examine Hair Pile. (Result: Scissors)
- Analyze Scissors. (03:00:00)
- Break up the fight and talk to Joshua Kempe. (Reward: Fashion Hairstyle)
- Sarah Cardwell wants to talk to you.
- Investigate Backstreet. (Clue: Ring)
- Examine Ring. (Result: Wedding Date)
- Give her ring back to Sarah Cardwell. (Reward: Burger)
- Move on to the next case! (3 stars)
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