Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Angry Birds Friends Leethax+CE(Chaete Engine)

Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Using Cheat Engine

for Beginner Step by step:


1. Firefox with Leethax extension
    Use Firefox go HERE , Download Extension! and follow the instruction and restart your Firefox. 
    After restart, open Angry Birds Friends and check all of the value of the Power Ups, it has to be 99.   
2. Cheat Engine 6.4
    Go HERE and click Download Cheat Engine 6.4 and install it.

    Use Cheat Engine (CE): 

1. Use Firefox with leethax extension and open ABF go to the level you want to  cheat. Here for example: 
2. Open the Cheat Engine (CE), click Yes when the User Account Contol window pop up.  
3. After you will see in upper side left corner in CE small computer icon will blink red and green. Click it!
4. The window CE Process List will pop up. Find the FlashPlayerPlugin and double click the second  process.
5. Click Value Type select Array of byte
6. Insert a code F3 0F 7E 46 04 into Array of byte form, uncheck Writeable, and click First Scan button.
7. Click one of the found address and press Ctrl+A (select all) then click Red Arrow button and all the found addresses will copy to the address list below.

8. Click one of the top address list and press Ctrl + A, double click it then window Change Value will pop up 

9. Change the value from F3 0F 7E 46 04 to F3 0F 7E 4E 04 and click OK  

10. Go to Angry Birds Friends and click Earth Quake Bird once or several times and all the materials will explode.
11. Change back the value form F3 0F 7E 4E 04 to F3 0F 7E 46 04 again. 

Note: This method is very tricky and is not always success. You can try with another value eg. F3 0F 7E 46 20 change to F3 0F 7E 4E 20. if you are lucky then you can get a huge number of score. 


  1. sometime it doesn't work

    1. Yes it is mention above that it will not work always
      it will work if you are lucky :)



  3. That's interesting! Can you please share more about it? Thank you.

    Friends Case

  4. You need new codes them font work anymore

  5. The code you have are no good anymore

  6. Hi tahnk you very much for your tutorial... I use this codes
    F3 0F 7E 46 04 but i have seen too many players to win me with super scores 100.000 points higher ...What cheat engine codes they use? Can you help me ?


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